Sunday, December 5, 2010

Saturated saturday

Today I wore a dress I bought back in October, but haven't managed to wear yet.  
Dress, Foxy Fox
Cardigan, Target
Belt, Witchery
I'm not sure I'm happy with it, but I went out to two different destinations and got home without seeing anyone pointing and I guess its OK.

Still not really sure....
First stop was DFO (a factory outlet, that doesn't quite understand the meaning of those words), where I picked up a pair of Country Road shorts for $9.95 (regular retail is $99.00) and a present for a family member, of which I will say nothing here!
Warming to the idea....
Next stop was Chermside Westfield.  Which was a mistake.  Rainy Saturday a few weeks out from Christmas?  Bad idea Cooks, bad idea.  Still I picked up my dress suit from lay by, and some cranberry and Camembert moneybags for tonight and after a stressful escape came home reasonably unscathed...
Love this belt from Witchery!


  1. I actually like the dress. It's really feminine, reminds me of .. i don't know, italian women? Anyway, I'd wear it and feel really romantic and flowy and such :)

  2. Thanks U! That's just the kind of positive response I was looking for!
